“I begin with the assumption that suffering and death due to lack of food, shelter, and medical care are evil.” I completely agree with Singer in his moral belief that people should help others who have less than them. In this, he argues that “the way people in relatively rich countries react to a situation like that of Bengal cannot be justified. I think if people looked at moral issues differently instead of seeing someone like them in their own state as not helping, they would in turn feel justified in not helping. Like Singer, I believe people tune out situations like Bengal because they don't know the people. For this reason, Stinger cited the example of a child who was drowning in a small pool of water. Do you take the baby out of the water? Morally speaking you should, there would be no excuse for inactivity. We as people are morally obligated to save this child, however, just like this child, there are millions of others who need saving. I believe that there is morally no difference between that child you see or the child you don't see. With today's resources such as humanitarian organization it has become easy to further help others