Topic > Pros and Cons of Employee Performance Management - 753

INTRODUCTION The purpose of this essay is to determine whether measuring employee performance is all pros and no cons. Performance appraisal is considered an important management tool in many countries (Milliman, Nason, Zhu & Ciery, 2002). According to Kazan and Gumus (2013), "Kaplan and Norton (2001) define performance appraisal as "a planned tool that integrates the individual's success in a given task, his attitude and behavior at work, his conditions and characteristics moral, and evaluate employees' contribution to the success of the organization". In other words, employees' weaknesses and strengths, necessary training and future predictions can be recognized through performance evaluation (Milliman et al., 2002) There are many different performance measurement systems. Lam and Schaubroeck (1999) state that there is the traditional performance evaluation and a more current one called TQM (Total Quality Management). the overall system. It assumes that the individual is capable and responsible for influencing the way things are done in a company. On the other hand, TQM emphasized the importance of system rather than individuals. Organizational human resource behavior management (OBHRM), especially the measurement of employee performance, was research based on organizational psychology and human resource management principles. PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT The objectives of measuring employee performance are to motivate employees, provide feedback, fairness in the organization structure and equal opportunities, support employees and help them improve themselves (Griffith (2003); Key (2003) as cited in Kazan and Gumus (2013)). According to... half of the document... the same goes for employee cuts. Managers who make decisions should discuss with managers who measure employee performance. Furthermore, Zatzick, Zhao, and Tingling (2014) also stated that managers who will decide which employee to fire must also discuss with managers responsible for recruiting because “to avoid errors such as “last in, first out,” hiring managers are in the best position to know if the latest hires have the cutting-edge skills that companies need most and are therefore the most difficult to replace.” “Employees are more satisfied with a system in which supervisors, in addition to evaluating their results, involve them in seeking improvements in the work process” (Lam and Schaubroeck, 1999). CONCLUSION In summary, measuring employee performance is not always beneficial. As mentioned above, performance measurement