Worldview of ResearchAccording to Creswell (2007) in Quality Inquiry & Research Design, everyone sees the world of research from different perspectives. Therefore, the hypothesis of researchers who choose the qualitative methods approach reflects their opinions on the topic in question. Creswell suggests: “When researchers do this, their research is shaped by fitting it into paradigms of inquiry, into worldviews. Creswell suggests when qualitative researchers' opinions vary depending on the beliefs they bring to their research, they represent paradigms” (p. 19). Paradigm types include social constructivism, advocacy/participation, pragmatism, interpretive communities, postmodern perspectives, feminist theories, critique (race theory), queer theory, and disability theories represent the methods; qualitative and inductive logic as paradigmatic visions (p.88). In this section, rather than explain them all, I will focus on the worldviews that I expect will influence my research, pragmatism, and interpretive communities. Researchers (Guba, 1990; Lincoln & Guba, 2000 & Mertens, 1998) note that beliefs/paradigms represent philosophical dimensions such as epistemologies, axiology, and ontology. Others' views of the world are how they define it based on their individual culture, experiences, political opinions, and education level. In Foundations of Mixed Methods Research Integrating Qualitative Approaches in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Teddlie and Tashakkori (2009) wrote “these assumptions are said to be woven into their identity and beliefs (p. 87). Pragmatism McCaslin (2008) wrote the first introduction of the pragmatic concept became the first ac...... halfway through the article ......practical strategies to avoid the pitfalls of grounded theory research. Nurse Researcher, 17(4), 29-40 Retrieved from EBSCOhost.Farlex online (n.d.) Ontological and Argumentative Website. Retrieved August 28, 2011., David M. (2003). of social science research. Retrieved August 1, 2011, from, Graham R. (2003). computer). Encyclopedia of research methods in the social sciences. Retrieved September 2, 2011, from, C. E., Casey, D., Shaw, D., & Murphy, K. (2010). Ethical challenges in qualitative research: Examples from practice. Nurse Research, 18(1), 15-25. Retrieved from EBSCOhost