The dates regarding the advent of Mathematical Physics vary just as the dates regarding the advent of Mathematics and Physics vary from person to person and from story to story. There is an account that the methods of Mathematical Physics as a theory of mathematical model in Physics can be traced in the works of Newton and his contemporaries such as Lagrange, Euler, Laplace, Gauss and others who contributed to the advancement of the methods of Mathematical Physics . However, there is a version, especially the one written in The Evolution of Mathematical Physics (1924) by Lamb which marks its birth in 1807; the date after the end of the French Revolution, followed by the relative tranquility of the first empire, and the year in which Laplace, Lagrange and many other mathematicians used Newton's scientific work to model, describe and predict the movement of celestial and terrestrial bodies . In this era, the methods of Mathematical Physics were successfully used in the study of mathematical models of physical phenomena. These models have something to do with electrodynamics, acoustics, elasticity theory, hydrodynamics, aerodynamics and other related areas. The models used have usually been described using partial differential equations, integral and integrodifferential equations, methods of variational and probability theory, potential theory, theory of functions of complex variables. Some of the dominant Western mathematicians and scientists who managed to study and describe the physical world through mathematical models are Lord Kelvin, George Stokes, James Clerk Maxwell, and Guthrie Tait. The pioneers in this area of study derived several formulations from their studies and observations, and verified...... half of the document ......and one of the most important figures. He contributed to the formulation of the theory of electromagnetism, the theory of color vision and optics, the kinetic theory of gases and thermodynamics, and the understanding of the dynamics and stability of Saturn's rings. Maxwell successfully identified the three primary colors: red, green and blue. After the merits and achievements of the pioneers who provided almost all the analytical tools to their successors, the development of mathematical physics continues in more advanced ways. Today mathematical physics has gone far. Due to rapid progress and the presence of modern technologies such as computers, the direct numerical method using computers to formulate mathematical models becomes more and more essential. By using new technologies, the process involved in formulating mathematical models becomes simpler and cheaper.