Topic > Toyota Case Study - 722

There are several advantages to splitting the line. One of the main reasons was employee motivation. At Toyota, every employee not only has the ability to stop the line, but must do so if there is a difficulty they cannot resolve within a cycle time. However, in the long run, this means causing inconvenience to many other employees, not all with whom the employee has a common relationship. Then a sense of guilt arises for having disturbed the task of others and therefore a hesitation to finish the line. With a shorter line, only fourteen employees are employed at one stop on the line. Only difficulties longer than four or five cycle times affect other line segments; everything else is decoupled through the stock buffer between the lines. Therefore, most line stops affect only a small social group of employees. The second benefit is increased productivity. One trouble does not end the entire line, but only a segment. Therefore, the risk of interruptions increases and the productivity of the line increases. 10.0 JOB DESIGN 10.1 Innovation in Toyota's Recruitment and Selection Process With the passage of time, many hi-tech changes have also entered Toyota's selection and employment process. Now, for the selection of workers, Toyota gives exceptional sensitivity. Because finding the right worker for any position is essential for Toyota Motors. The main step in the process of obtaining human resources for Toyota is to identify the type of task that will be performed by the workers. Job design and job analysis are the processes used to determine this. 10.1.1 Job Analysis Job analysis refers to the collection of relevant information regarding the nature of the specific job. It is determining the jobs that include...... middle of paper...... It has been seen that associations with more satisfied workers perform better than others that are not satisfied. So, Toyota's success or failure also depends on the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of its employees. A company whose employees are dissatisfied with their jobs costs the company too much. They will generally be missing from work or may be arguing with colleagues. These workers do not care about their work which has an effect on the overall productivity of the company and ultimately the company will suffer. There are so many reasons for their displeasure; it can be the nature of the work such as repetition, the environmental conditions in which they work, etc. There are several techniques applied to create satisfied workers and possibly low worker turnover which are career development, motivation and human resource development.