All in all, the article talks about the harsh reality of rising food costs in the United States and how it affects all individuals, especially the most vulnerable: the poor, the elderly and low-wage workers. While expenses grow in numbers for everyone, income remains constant. The article also explores various determinants of the phenomenon, for example: how external environmental factors, such as weather, played a role in the harvest (exports); economic situations where high oil prices have led to high gas prices and resulted in increased food costs; government intervention that could have contributed in one way or another. The author has compiled a collection of perspectives from some other articles and justified his position on how one problem leads to another, allowing for an overall view of the big picture. 2.0 Definition of Inflation The key economic point of the article was: Inflation. Inflation refers to the increase in the price of a basket of goods and services representative of the economy as a whole. (Moffatt, M. n.d. What is inflation? Par. 1.) It is known that the presence of inflation in the economy can cause consumers to have lower purchasing power which consequently leads to lower demand for goods and services. When inflation is observed, business in the international market becomes uncompetitive as companies are expected to have lower sales. 2.1 Real GDP “Real gross domestic product (RGDP)” is the measure of a country's final goods and services produced in a given year when valued as constant prices. (Parkin, M. 2005. Real GDP and the Price Level. Pg. 487, Para. 4.) Real GDP plays a vital role in contributing to the results of economic indicators, for example: aggregate supply and demand.3.0 ... ... half of the document ......conomics/macro/aggregatesupply/section3.rhtmlUnknown. (nd) Supply-side politics. Retrieved April 27, 2014, from, S. (2012, March 24) Americans eat the cheapest food in the world, but what is it really costing us ? Retrieved April 28, 2014, from (n.d.) Addressing food inflation through private forces. Retrieved April 29, 2014, from, T. (2007, November 12. ) Policies to reduce inflation. Retrieved April 30, 2014, from