CHAPTER 12.0 IntroductionThe use of unit hydrographs for the development of hydraulic structures within a river basin plays a vital role. For watersheds where there is no readily available information on precipitation and runoff patterns over the river watershed, storm hydrographs cannot be derived. Therefore synthetic methods are employed. 2.1 Context of the study The unit hydrograph is a concept that can be used to establish the peak flow rates of a river due to precipitation. Generating unit hydrographs requires knowledge of precipitation and runoff data that are used to develop storm hydrographs derived from established methods. Storm hydrographs are used to develop hydraulic structures such as dams, culverts, and many others within the study watershed area. (Ayanshola et al., 2006, E.Todini, 2007)2.2 Research problem and objectivesThe development of a unit hydrograph depends on available rainfall and runoff data, unfortunately not all of these data are readily available and a unit hydrograph has been developed synthetic and determinate...