Topic > The Cocaine Kids: The story of a teenage drug addict...

“My criminals here think more drugs are the way to go. But I know better. I think making money is okay, but don't just do it by hustling. You have to act legitimately, at least for a minute. You have to come back fresh, live it up, if you want to do anything useful out here. Everyone thinks they can earn crazy money, but they are confused. It's not like that. I've seen cocaine break the heads of many: they got messed up and got busy after discovering they couldn't find the key to understanding that hidden mystery. But you know what? But... but you know what? They don't have the slightest idea. Word." (Williams, 1989) The book I found interesting to read and write for this lesson was The Cocaine Kids; The Inside Story of a Teenage Drug Ring, by Terry Williams, published in 1989. Deciding which book to read for this course was quite difficult for me, I had purchased and started reading two other books before I noticed that they were not as gripping and fascinating. Then I finally came across The Cocaine Kids What I found most interesting after reading only the. introduction is that Williams was not trying to support any particular theory. I liked the fact that he was an open-minded individual and wanted answers to his questions. Another aspect of the study that I found interesting was that Williams conducted the study with an ethnographic approach. This approach requires the researcher to build a close relationship with the individuals studied and typically requires a long-term commitment to the field. I liked that it is a multiple techniques approach and that no one method is appropriate for one situation. The Cocaine Kids focuses on the lives of eight young Latino and black cocaine dealers in New York City from 1982 to 1986. This... .center of paper......lliams wrote in The Cocaine Kids was accurate. Instead of just writing facts and statistics about these teenagers and cocaine, he told a story. He wrote something that even more people can read and relate to. I believe Williams successfully brings value and importance to the lives of these drug dealers. Williams shows inner-city drug dealing in a very human way. Their lives are closed to almost all outsiders due to the fact that they are involved in trafficking illegal drugs. But after reading this book I was shown that even though they live a very difficult and dangerous lifestyle, they are not as different from us outsiders as we think. They too must continually make difficult and valuable decisions to live and succeed in society. These drug dealers are just kids who had little time growing up and are trying to survive in a violent and corrupt world..