Researchers examining technology adoption have argued that the organizational environment critically affects employees' adoption and use of information technology . An organizational environment that supports innovation generally facilitates the learning and adaptation necessary for employees to understand and accept technology-induced changes (Tarafdar et al., 2010), thus reducing stress induced by new technologies. The hypothesis was confirmed. For example, in Korea, the use of smartphone messaging services in organizational processes means that employees are likely to experience increased stress in the form of messenger syndrome (Kim, 2015). Park, C. L., Wright, B. E., Pais, J., & Ray, D. M. (2016). Daily Stress and Self-Control., 35, 738-753. Managing Stress This study aimed to test the links between the reciprocal relationship between self-control depletion and stressful encounters has many implications. For example, decreased self-control may partly explain individuals' relative vulnerability to stressful events; this knowledge may be useful in helping people learn to avoid stressful encounters in the future by strengthening their self-control resources. Individuals may cope with stress differently, those who can handle it have less stressful times.Clout, D., & Brown, R. (2016). Marital relationship