Yamato, Jen. Burning questions. “Hunger Games and real-world parallels: “Children can all become Katniss Everdeen.” Movie line. March 13, 2012. Web. May 4, 2012 This article as a whole delved into the question: can children be like Katniss in their behavior ?The article also compared the government of the Hunger Games to the government of reality. Children are already showing signs of science fiction behavior. The Hunger Games can greatly influence children to become rebels in this generation . Rees Brennan, Sarah. “Why So Hunger Games Down with the Capitol.” -what-draws-readers-into-the-series/.. Web. May 4, 2012This article was about the fascination of reality versus illusion. The article examined the current reality produced by the fascination of the media “In our modern world where every channel seems to have its own version of a reality show, we are inundated with the media's version of what is real. There's a reason there are so many of these shows on the air, and that's because viewers can't seem to get enough of them. The article also talks about how the Hunger Games appeal to children. Rea, Steven Rea. “The Hunger Games: a fantasy film that reflects reality”. Detective film critic. http://articles.philly.com/2012-03-18/news/31207613_1_hunger-games-katniss-everdeen-suzanne-collins-book. March 18, 2012. Web. May 4, 2012. This article compares Katniss to Harry Potter and Bella Swan. He says The Hunger Games has a tougher plot than the Harry Potter series. The article asked: “You can't help but think, if I were in that situation,...... halfway through the paper...... and 'The Hunger Games'.Action Institute. Retrieved January 30, 2012, from www.acton.org/pub/commentary/2012/03/28/secular-scapegoats-hunger-games This web article discusses the different religious images used in The Hunger Games but also draws attention to how There is no direct reference to God, Christ, or any religion of any kind within the series. Clawson, J. (March 20, 2012). The Hunger Games: An Allegory of Christian Love. Huffington Post. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from www.huffingtonpost.com/julie-clawson/hunger-games-allegory-of-christian-love_b_1365594.htmlThe information on this site will be helpful in explaining the reference to love as a way to fight evil. This theme is quite strong throughout the series. Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2008. This site provided me with the names of the actors.