Do you feel down after spending time with them? Anxious or scared when calling or texting? Do they encourage you to stop by the donut shop, even though they know you want to lose a few pounds? Do you think losing weight is scandalous? It's important to note that we all have our bad days and if your friend is having a bad time, you need to be there to pick them up. A negative friend, however, enjoys it when he gets drunk, is always in a fit and needs you to help him clean up, and never contributes to the bill. You find yourself ignoring their calls and when you answer them, it's exhausting. You rarely seek their company, but welcome them when they start a meeting. It is not easy to cut ties with these people, but it is possible. Negative people want you to listen to their problems, but never make any effort to change their situation, for example, they may complain about being obese, but they won't. sign up for an exercise regimen. They don't support you and discourage you from trying new things that will help you become a better person or be more successful in life, such as losing weight. Let's delve deeper into how to deal with the negative