Persuasion and InfluencesThe lie of persuasion originally dates from the late 19th century to the early 20th century. This is due to the rise of mass media, mass culture, mass society, political democracy. Propaganda is the original construct of research on persuasive lying. Propaganda can be manipulated into the production of content, thus manipulating people or audiences and changing their attitudes. Public relations is an essential tool in propaganda to persuade people in society even in daily life through channels such as advertisements, films, music, fashion solutions and so on. Persuasion is a complicated interactive process. During the interactive process, the sender and receiver communicate using symbols, verbal, though non-verbal such as body language, text and more. To cope using these communication tools, “the persuader attempts to influence the persuaded to adopt a change in a given attitude or behavior because the persuader has broadened or modified his or her perceptions.” (O'Donnell & Kable, 1982: 9) Persuasion may be an attempt to change the target's beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors, but with the target's knowledge and agreement. According to Simons, persuasion is human communication designed to influence the independent judgment and actions of targets or audiences by changing their beliefs, values, attitudes, or behaviors in doing something. (Simons, 2001: 7) Hypnosis or “brainwashing” is the common way of using persuasion to change an audience's beliefs. Through Simons' definition, people can see that he included "influence" in his definition and stated that "influence" can be both positive and negative. There are four essential steps in persuasion: first,...... middle of paper... and attitude. Audiences are easily influenced by the film genre as action films which normally contain plots such as heroes, inhumanity, massacre, violence and so on. The audience will be easily influenced by this kind of movie, so their behavior will also easily turn into violence after watching the movie. So, we can say that audience behavior can be influenced through watching a movie, but it must also depend on the audience's personality way of thinking. Conclusion In conclusion, influence and persuasion will work closely with the media world to achieve the media effect on the audience. . Nowadays people are in close contact with three different forms of media, especially electronic media. People will watch television and surf the Internet or social networks every day. Then, the media will become the easiest way to influence and persuade the public.