Over the past decade, technology has continued to rapidly change and expand in every field. Of course all great technology has flaws, but it does more good than harm once you evaluate what's truly important. Today it influences our every move and is the basis of our global society. Many older generations would argue that it is ruining our civilisation, but they cannot argue that it is cost effective, has benefited learning styles in schools and has changed the techniques and quality of work we deliver. Over time, hopefully this generation will open up to technology because without it we would be back to using plastic cups with strings attached to talk to our friends, the number of cancer survivors would be reduced due to the lack of medical machinery and our way of life The environment would not be so safe if it were not for new technological advances. These improvements have benefited our society in terms of work and social life, medical fields, and our overall happiness. History of technology From past to present. To begin with, technology is the application of scientific knowledge for useful purposes, and there have been many advances for different types of technology starting thousands of years ago. It would be difficult to name all the incredible advances made throughout a lifetime, so a few examples of advanced technology will be introduced. Before the 1500s, people had to walk or ride horses to interact with each other. As a result of developed technology such as paper and pencil, fax, and eventually telephone, people created an easier way to communicate. The telephone soon led to walkie-talkies and the radio. People didn't have to wait for letters to arrive in the mail, they could just call... middle of paper... it was harder for dangerous people to get firearms. Technology like NICS will create a safer living environment and the more citizens don't have to worry about crime, the more time they can focus on being happy with their lives. Conclusion In conclusion, technology benefits society in all aspects of life. It has evolved and grown in several ways to help society function to its fullest potential. Since the beginning, it has helped people communicate better, be more organized with their use of time, and help the environment with natural resources. Older generations disapprove of the use of technology, but what they don't understand is the fact that it helps society overcome many obstacles. Between medical technology and social media, everyone is using some form of advancement. The future will be surrounded by technology and, as this evolves, society with it.