Topic > Negative views of feminism - 731

Feminism in the dictionary is defined as “the defense of the equality of the sexes and the establishment of the political, social and economic rights of the female sex”. (Oxford English Dictionary) However, today it is not received as positively as it should be. Many people have taken the values ​​of feminism and taken them to the extreme, which overall has a negative impact on the movement. Today, feminism encounters a lot of negative reactions, and calling yourself a feminist may lead some people to think of you negatively. Many women have taken feminism too far. Over the years the term has acquired the stereotype that women are extremely liberal women who have evolved from the bra burners of the 1960s to women who never shave, to the point of making it seem very hostile and illogical to many people. This anti-male idea has led men, even women, to go against the views of feminism. Many women who have put this negative spin on feminism are very vocal. These women are the ones you see at demonstrations shouting anti-male insults. Some of these women don't hate men, but they want the same rights as men. However, these same women still want to be taken care of and expect men to pay for everything and buy them well. Whether it's equal pay in the office or equal representation in government, feminism isn't about ending male dominance. It's about having a say in your life and being judged on your work instead of your gender. It's about giving women the opportunity to climb the leadership ladder if they are qualified to do so. These are all civil rights issues. Women are not the only ones who face this type of discrimination. Everyone has to deal with not feeling equal in society or not getting equal representation. People today are afraid of appearing racist or sexist. (Hooks 55) Many live their lives walking on eggshells afraid to say what they think because it might offend someone. Even companies and schools that might accept people at the top of their field choose to accept less qualified people to meet a racial and gender quota to appear accepting and attractive. Even today, white males, the targets of many radical feminist groups, feel discriminated against minorities because companies have to meet a quota to "make a good impression". This quota system can be seen in many universities. When you apply to schools and view school information, one of the first statistics shown is the percentage of races in the school and the ratio of boys to girls. The company should function on the basis of quality of work and experience. However, this is difficult. It will always be there