In The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan, protagonists Jason, Piper and Leo embark on a challenging mission to save Hera from the clutches of the awakened Gaea. Their quest is filled with life-threatening obstacles that can be seen from different points in the novel, such as at the beginning, climax, and end. Jason, son of Jupiter, waking up on a bus holding hands with Piper, daughter of Aphrodite, apparently his fiancée, and Leo, son of Hephaestus, despite having no memory is part of Hera's plan to unite the Roman and Greek demigods. As the prophecy states, the camps must unite and a team of seven more powerful demigods will be tasked with defeating Gaea's forces. For others, this plan is a suicide mission, but the team will prevail while hope remains. At the beginning of The Lost Hero, a series of events grab the reader's attention and keep them hooked on the story. In chapter 1, it is described how Jason reacts to waking up on a bus with no memory, sitting next to Piper, who is apparently his girlfriend, and Leo, who is his best friend in the world....