He spoke in such an inspiring way that people all over the world felt the desire to explore and gain understanding of the world around them. Little did he know that when we finally got to the moon, it would inspire so many people, even children like Annette Dutenhoffer who she talks about in her article From the First Moon Walk to the Space Station: Our Expanding Infinity: “On July 20, 1969 : Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first men to walk on the Moon. We were just children at the time, my brother and I watched history unfold. Another boy also watched that TV show, Chris Hadfield, 9 years old. Years later that farm boy from Ontario realized his dream and grew up to become the commander of the International Space Station. “Space exploration has not only inspired people but also led to many medical advances that have saved lives. He saw how important this adventure in space was and said: "Its achievement deserves the best of all mankind, and its opportunity for peaceful cooperation many will never arise again." He wanted the world to become a better place for all people and for this reason he spoke passionately about the “Race for