This statement could apply to many healthcare professionals, including doctors who were taught ethics of practice in school. The study concluded that it was necessary to study a wider variety of students from various countries to get a clearer view of why education influences attitudes towards euthanasia (Goldschmidt, Margalith & Musgrave, 2003). Since this study focused only on Israeli nursing students, it can be concluded that the study is valid for healthcare professionals in Israel who have studied ethical practice and for other countries with similar ethical and educational standards. Another study of medical students, including nurses, had students complete a four-month course on ethics and euthanasia (Civaner, Mayda, Oezkara & Ogalak, 2004). A survey was distributed before and after the lesson. Students' views on euthanasia had changed over this period. Increased education changed students' opinions on whether or not euthanasia should be practiced, why it should not be practiced, whether this was their opinion, and who can make decisions related to euthanasia.