Topic > Structured Immersion in English as a Second Language (ESL)

Structured Immersion and the truthStructured Immersion is an ESL (English as a Second Language) program designed to be a bilingual teaching tool for students who are somewhat non-native speakers of English . Although this program is still used in some US states as well as other parts of the world, from my point of view it is a disguised excuse of a program created to control the essence of a language by teaching it on a need-to-know basis. the true meaning of bilingualism. This program is a poor copy of a program used in Canada. In Canada, bilingual immersion is introduced through strong two-language instruction for grades K to 12, the United States copied it but failed to implement the most crucial element, which is that students' native language does not was included in the teaching and the teachers were only in English. The United States has failed to recognize the importance of a student learning English as their first language. The program was based on teaching the language in a step-by-step structure, hence the name "Structure Immersion". This excluded the fact that the process of natural language acquisition is more complex than simply following the SI curriculum and that students were performing poorly and merely progressing through the classes but were unable to adapt their English skills in the classes subsequent ones. The material clearly states that even today some schools in the United States prefer this program without a sense of reason, not knowing that ESL content lessons using something called discovery learning have proven to be very effective. This tells us that there is more than one way to go through teaching ESL students, and that there isn't really a "best way" to do it, but it helps if the teacher or instructor takes the time to evaluate his students correctly considering the best interests of the students and not vice versa. Neglecting the student's native language is no way to teach a second language; these students will not be bilingual but prisoners of a teaching that truly prevents their access. Imposing is not teaching, I guess this is telling us to be original and to be respectful towards our students this way they will really learn something and as teachers we would have achieved our goal.