1 IntroductionThe purpose of this assignment is to develop an understanding of induction and coaching in the workplace. New employees must be inducted into the workplace to ensure that they are able to work safely and effectively as soon as they start working in the Organisation. The success of an organization depends on the right skills and abilities of its employees. To successfully carry out my assignment I took into account a number of factors. The benefits for the person and for the organization of the induction procedure. What procedure is for induction What support is available for new employees For To accomplish this task successfully I used a variety of research and investigative methods. This involved identifying the onboarding process currently within Romec Ltd considering external factors e.g. ACAS, CIPD. I developed an onboarding plan based on a coaching model. The plan can be used to both introduce new employees and coach existing ones to build confidence and improve performance in the workplace.2 Understand how to integrate new members into the team2.1 The benefits of inductionAccording to the fact sheet ACAS Recruitment and Induction, a good induction program reinforces positive first impressions and makes new employees feel welcome and ready to contribute fully. Most job turnover occurs among new employees, and work efficiency is achieved only after a period of learning and adapting to the new environment. By planning an induction program, the organization can quickly develop the positive attitude of the successful candidate. A good induction program will create a positive perception of the organization by promoting the organisation's behaviours, values and ideas. .....accompany the recipient through the change phase, but you can help in the process by providing feedback. However, based on this model, we can help prepare the employee to receive feedback by providing them with the opportunity to put it into practice. Guidelines for Receiving Constructive Feedback Listen to feedback rather than preparing your defense/response. Ask for it to be repeated if you did not hear or were not clear about the feedback received. Assume it is constructive until proven otherwise, only then consider and use elements that are constructive. Pause and think before responding. Ask for clarification and statements/evidence if statements are unclear or unsupported. Accept it positively rather than dismissively Ask for suggestions on how you might be capable of changing or modifying your behavior. Respect and thank the person who is giving feedback.