Instead of reclaiming “queer,” it must be annulled or eliminated completely because “hatred, pain, violence are locked up in that word forever” (Brontsema 49). Opponents of reclaiming “queer,” or any related word, according to Brontsema, are “those who have directly suffered” the unforgettable abuse caused by the use of “queer” in an offensive context by the outsider. group – heterosexuals (Brontsema 49). Older generation homosexuals who lived through the 1960s and experienced the hatefulness of "queer" feel unhappy when someone uses that word around them because the emotional story attached to the word reminds them of their hateful memories that can convince them that they are mentally ill in the eyes of society. Recognizing society's hatred, some homosexuals may begin to hate themselves, which is a psychological disorder known as “Self-Hate Syndrome (SHS)” ( “Queer” is and “will always be” used as a “weapon” by heterosexual authority to ground the “limits of legitimacy” that it itself determines (Brontsema 49). Heterosexual society creates a stereotypical image of a "queer" and labels as "queer" those who exhibit symptoms of similar qualities to those depicted by the image. Homophobes, who use the word with bad intentions, generate fear within