What is obesity?The definition of obesity varies depending on what you read. In general, overweight and obesity indicate a weight greater than what is considered normal or healthy. Fat is an important factor in the human body as it is needed for energy storage, thermal insulation, shock absorption and other functions. But obesity is a continuous condition of accumulation of excess fat in the body. Obesity is best defined using body mass index. BMI can be calculated based on a person's height and weight. An adult who has a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight, while an adult who has a BMI above 30 is considered obese. Facts about obesity Obesity means having an extra amount of fat stored in the body. For adults aged 35 and older, having a BMI over 30 is considered obese. Obesity is an ongoing medical disease and condition characterized by an excessive amount of fat in the body. This will lead to diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, gallstones and other chronic diseases. Obesity is difficult to treat and has a high chance of recurring. More than 95% of those who lose weight regain it within 5 years. Treatment of obesity cannot be short term, it must be a lifelong commitment to adopting eating habits, increased physical activity and regular exercises. treatment should aim to achieve a healthy weight or body and it is not important to be a fit or excellent weight. A normal weight loss of 5%-10% and maintaining it for a long period of time can bring many benefits to the body such as HOW; lowering blood pressure and reducing the risks of diabetes and heart disease. A successful weight loss program can be achieved with the help of teams of medical professionals, including dietitians, psychologists and exercise professionals.... middle of paper ... ...nclusion Maintaining ideal body weight it means balancing food consumption and the calories the body needs to produce energy. You are what you eat. The type and amount of food you eat affects your ability to maintain your ideal weight and lose weight. Medical science has established that consuming adequate foods can affect the health of all age groups. According to much research on obesity and diet, current dietary guidelines state the following: Eat a variety of foods Balance the food you eat with physical activity, maintain or improve your weight. Choose a diet rich in grain products, vegetables and fruits. Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. Choose a diet with moderate sugar content. Choose a diet with moderate salt and sodium content. If you consume alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation.