A cult is a good place for social outcasts to freely express their ideas, feel safe, and be enlightened for the future. It's a good thing to be involved in a cult, especially if you are a delinquent or criminal. Most people who join cults have a desire to belong, a lack of self-confidence, a desire for spiritual meaning or to abandon their addictions. A sect is a religious group that is not part of a larger, more accepted religion and that has beliefs that are considered extreme by many people. The word cult, which once referred to a system of organized worship, is now a term that defames any religion you don't know or like. “The term has come to do for religion what Negroes have done for race relations” (Fellowship of Eternal Desire). "A cult is a group of religious members and devotees directed towards a particular belief or figure" (Thriving Cults). Cults are often misjudged and mistreated because what they believe is strange or different from what the rest of the world believes. Lesser known sects are often persecuted for what some evil and corrupt sects have done, but they never stop to look and see if the cult is a truly peaceful group. People belonging to sects are often persecuted because they are devoted to the cause of the sect they have joined. “Some people don't have the inner resources and inner capabilities to fully understand the world happening around them. They don't like feeling lost, abandoned or hopeless” (Church of Reality). “They have no real concept of themselves and a weak and uncertain sense of identity and personal value” (Campus Cults). Sometimes we feel like we've lost our purpose in life and need something to fall back on. “Of course, we take the advice of people or groups that seem…half-baked…they started or helped start and that helps keep them happy with themselves and other members of the cult. In my mind, cults are basically the same thing as churches. The only difference is that people don't actually agree with the cult's beliefs or actions. Cults are often ridiculed simply for the fact that they are different from most of the ordinary people they ridicule. Cults are often used to help drunks and drug addicts, and now even recovering drunks and drug addicts. The strict rules of the cult keep the cult member away from drugs and any form of alcohol. Cults provide a stable home for cult members who cannot maintain a good home. I think sects are a good place for poor people who need support to maintain their lives and the lives of their families. You have new friends watching your back. Joining a cult is very similar to joining a new second family.