Historic Preservation Districts.Introduction,Historic preservation is a planning device that has been in existence since the twentieth century, the term originated in 1966. This policy was established to protect the physical history of United States, this story be geographic locations and buildings that are of small or large importance to its city or region. “While historic preservation occurs at the local, state, and national levels, the presumed goal in all cases is the preservation of properties with historic and/or aesthetic appeal that would otherwise be neglected or even demolished” (Coulson, 2004). The policy came from a good place, significantly intending to preserve our history by deeming geographical locations and buildings historic, however the policy has somehow lost its shine by not staying true to its true roots. A concise history of United States conservation policy. “Preservation as a U.S. policy historically began in 1966, when Congress authorized the War Department to maintain national landmarks” (Hamer, 2000). According to Benson (1998), “After the Civil War, the national park system was established and the Departments of War and the Interior jointly administered all national sites” (Benson 1998). Although a number of federal legislative actions such as the Historic Sites Act of 1935, the National Trust for Historical Preservation Act of 1949, were created to advance the cause nationwide. The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 set the stage for comprehensive programs in the 1970s. There was a national response to historic preservation as a result of the Tax Reform Act of 1976, which forced Americans to consider their social and economic priorities. documents ...... and objectives to make them more compatible with modern urban planning and real estate development. Conclusion and my thoughts. Historic neighborhoods have evolved from preserving a single house at a time, to preserving neighborhoods and neighborhoods. This practice eventually led to the organic application of the discipline. Historic preservation comes from a special place, a place that helps us remember our history. While carrying out my research I couldn't help but notice that the multiplication of historic neighborhoods since 1966 has meant that this discipline has lost its grassroots support. In the years after 1966 the concept moved from an exceptional and atypical idea to the idea that it should show the representative and typical. Furthermore, the idea of historic preservation still works, but not in the way originally intended.