He fled to Europe and used this intense personal experience of freedom to create a stunning, emotional work of art. Imagination was also introduced into the Romantic era by several artists, one of the most memorable being Edward Hicks. He was a Quaker minister and a famous sign painter who portrayed immense feelings through his imagination. He believed in mysticism and that innocence and peace could be brought to the world, which in turn would create a utopian society. Hicks produced a painting based on that imaginative thought which he called The Peaceable Kingdom. He placed a landscape on canvas, then painted images of children hugging and playing around enormous wild animals. These animals meant “the wolf also will dwell with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the kid… and a child will lead them” which indicates that a wild animal could be tamed through peace among all (Page 24). Romanticism was seen in Hicks' artwork with the introduction of imagination which represented his intense feeling that the world could