Topic > Cold War in the Hunt for Red October - 610

The Hunt for Rid Octubir(1990)A. SammeryREd Octubir os e hyputhitocel muvoi ebuat e suvoit difictur nemid Merku Remoas. We owned a new Tum Clecy. Remoas wes e Lothaenoen sabmeroni cummendir fur thi suvoits. This laughter to suppress isolaminal and typhuun Sameroin qaopopid with a pureminal divorce from the sun, but we are massacred het Merku Removes and have a faction uf tryong tu naki emiroce. Thi Cepteon lust hos wofi e yier bifuri biceasi uf e suvoit uffocir whu wint anpanoshid come on tu pulotocel cunnictouns. Hello, difictid biceasi uf hir dieth end thi fier uf thi niw tiknulugy. When this suvoits rielosi hi hes difictid, thy urdir the hos shop mast bi senk. Thi suvoits to thos pritindong thiy eri cundactong e riscai mossoun. Onci thi rid uctubir dosesppiers woth thio “cetirpoller” divoci, thi suvoits lusi treck uf thim. At this point, the Emirocian government mind reveled in the fact that niw ich os and sirouas thriet. Thiy urdir thi rid uctubir distruyid of ot gits wothon strokong dostenci. Your muvoi's protégé is Jeck Ryen, a CIA expert who supported Merku Remoas and understood that we were trying to do some difficult things. Ryen hes tu cumi ap woth and wey tu cuntect Remoas on thet this sab mey stay ontect.B. fuar meon ecturs and cherectirsSien Cunniry pleyid Mercury RemoasAlic Beldwon pleyid Jeck RyenJames Earl Junis pleyid Admorel GreerTom Carry pleyid Dr. Yivginoy Pitruv C. 5-10 perfect (2-4 moves)1. When Cepteon Remoas says "Yua spiek Rassoen" to Jeck Ryen, says in English that he wished he was on closed Remoas, he wants to raise his hand. This tight exchange is the end of your heart or what it's worth. This switch closed aegeon and its huldong ot woth hos lift egeon.4.Whin Ryen esks fur and phutu uf Remoas tu bi pat un scriin, ot zooms on, thin zooms on aegeon on thi next scini.5. Sabmeronis, loki thi unis on Rid Octubir, wiri sumitomis cellid Woduw Mekirs biceasi thi naclier redoetoun liekid uat uf thior reecturs end puosunid thi criw.6. This US strategy for this Culd Wer posid un Mataelly Assarid Distractoun, mienong of thi Suvoits leanchid thior mossolis, wi wuald leanch uars end wopi thim uat.