In this essay I will reflect on my learning and how it has influenced my practice in developing a positive learning environment. I will demonstrate my understanding of the need to foster a supportive environment in the early years and the changes in my practice since attending university. I will critically evaluate my reflective and evaluative skills and offer examples of implementing these skills in my practice. I will explain why I decided to cultivate the action plan areas and how I can implement the recommended proposals. I will evaluate other modules and identify areas that I found interesting and would like to explore further. At the end of this essay, I will reflect on the learning journey and how it has helped shape my personal and professional life. I will include references examining related issues where applicable. I presented my setting to colleagues at the University and was pleased with the comments they made about it being a positive and enabling environment. After their presentations, I realized how different the environments are and how similar the process of developing a positive environment is visible in all the presentations. We discussed various ideas and practices that we will implement in our contexts. It is not always easy to change practice in a context that already works to the satisfaction of children, parents and management, however there is always room for improvement and listening to the experiences of others encourages me to try too. The work-based modules are beneficial for me and although I learned methods that were already present in my environment, I understood why they are important and how to apply them... halfway through the paper.... ..and thinking about the various tasks that I get more done during the day than I did in the past. I have learned not to draw hasty conclusions, but to consider different aspects and reasons first. I also feel more confident when suggesting new practices to my colleagues and believe that I will slowly earn their respect in this area. I realized how much I had changed as a practitioner when Ofsted visited our environment. I have always been anxious when speaking to inspectors, however, this time I was calm and proud to present my case the way I do it. I believe that the knowledge I have gained from attending University has made me more confident as I know that what I do is proven to contribute to children's development. “Professionals who feel confident and competent have a more positive approach to teaching and learning.” (Blandford and Knowles 2009: p.142).