It is important to stay educated before, during, and after your leadership position. With leadership comes great responsibility. I was blessed with a great work ethic, I was disciplined as a child and carrying that into my young adulthood has helped me a lot. My passion dates back to early childhood, my passion is what drives me to be the leader I want to be. Every leader should want to reach where their followers surpass themselves. I can use this information now to gain knowledge ahead of time. And use it as teaching material. I've learned that you don't need to gain experience and knowledge by learning the hard way. If you pay attention to what is put in front of you, it won't take a lifetime to learn. God has anointed teachers and preachers above us to give us a warning of what to do and what not to do. I check thrift stores often because I love reading books to learn and gain wisdom. Recently, just this week, I came across a large collection of leadership manuals and books by John Maxwell. I will use the summer to catch up on my reading. His writings have blessed me and my family over the years. I pray to excel in servant leadership as well