Bargaining Power of Suppliers (Seller/Supplier Bargain Strength) In connection with the company's vision and mission to be the best in terms of quality, the materials we use are also high quality materials. PT Haneka Putra Perdana uses materials shipped directly from China or Bangkok. the supplier's bargaining power does not have a huge impact on the company. The energy supplier was not hired by the company because their company's relationships with suppliers existed quite well. The links established by the company with suppliers through good communication in case of misunderstanding in the delivery of raw materials can be discussed properly.5. Consumer bargaining power the bargaining power of the impact on the consumer or a positive impact for the company while doing business in the apparel industry. The products made by the company have no meaning without the presence of the consumer, therefore the company constantly innovates, satisfying the desires of consumers. Their consumer bargaining power over the company's product does not make the company stop creating creativity in the field of fashion - the current trend of fashion and further spurs the company to exist in the field of fashion.