Topic > Analysis of Spies - 719

Natapoff continues his line of evidence against the complaints by saying, "According to some agents and prosecutors, spies are slowly crippling law enforcement as well" (299). He goes on to quote Celerino Castillo, a veteran Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) agent as saying, “Agents have become so dependent on informants that agents are at their mercy” (299). What Natapoff means when he talks about Officer Castillo is that by using spies law enforcement becomes paralyzed by the information they receive, as each officer follows the information to arrest the right individual. In the article Maxwell has a mixed opinion and pleads with “svart” communities saying, “To enjoy a decent quality of life in their communities, blacks must start helping the police” (291). In his statement Maxwell asks the “noir” communities to start snitching so that the police can better protect them, ensuring the safety of the community. As you may have already deduced, Natapoff and Maxwell can barely find common ground between their opinions, yet both have eloquently presented to you two sides of the same coin. So now it's up to you to decide heads or heads