Cultivation theory is a social theory that studies the long-term personal effects of television media. Cultivation theory states that the more time the masses spend in the world of television or media, the more likely they are to believe the realism of the elite depicted on television. Cultivation leaves people with a false perception of what is actually present in the world. The theory is developed by George Gerbner and Larry Gross. Cultivation theory derives from several large-scale research carried out as part of a global research project entitled “Cultural Indication.” The aim of the Cultural Indicators project was to identify and monitor the cultivated effects of videos on the audiences who watch them. They were concerned about the effects of television programming, particularly violent programming, on audience attitudes and behaviors. Gerbner said the general concern is about the effects of television on the public. The theory clearly argues that the cultivation effect occurs only after long-term, cumulative viewing of television. He stated that because television contains so much violence, people spend most of their time in front of the TV. He postulates that television is a means of mass communication. The television is a member of the family, 24/7, with virtually unlimited access to every person in the family. He compared the power of TV to the power of religion, arguing that TV was to the innovative society what religion had been in the past. Gerbner undertakes to formulate a new approach to mass communication, learning the fundamental measures of communication, focusing on the calculation of mass human activity itself. According to Miller, cultivation theory was not well developed to study targeted and specific effects. This theory has a part... half of the document... helps to understand how a person's conceptuality is shaped or sometimes distorted by the media. Cultivation theory informs that over time, media use will cultivate a strong view of the world in users. In this researcher we actually try to explain how the media can be a source for changing perceptions, behaviors, language and attitudes. FM RJs have a great influence on the youth of Pakistan. The new generation is a big follower of RJ, young people idealize them as consultants. But RJs are ruining young people's concepts towards language. No doubt English is an international language but the use of slang version of English is affecting the youth of Pakistan. RJs are persuaded to use and speak slang English words instead of Urdu. Consumers who regularly listen to FM are strongly influenced by this perception of the use of slang words in their language.