The hot air from the outlet of the drying manifold is connected to the inlet of the drying chamber. The fan is fixed at the inlet of the drying manifold to conduct the forced convection experiment.Fig. 1 Indirect type forced convection solar dryerC. Experimental procedure The broken copra pieces are evenly distributed in the trays and stored inside the solar drying chamber. In the designed solar dryer the air is blown into the evacuated tube collector with the help of external fan. The solar radiation falling on the collector, the collector heats up and gives off heat to the drying air flowing through the collector. This hot air enters the inlet of the drying chamber where the copra is loaded into two trays. The moving hot air evaporates the water content (moisture) of the copra according to the basic mechanism of removing moisture from the surface of the product to the surrounding environment followed by removing moisture from the interior of the product to the surface [4 ]. The air velocity in the tray was regulated using a control valve. During the experiments, temperatures at various points in the solar collector and drier chamber, dry-bulb and wet-bulb environments