For my final I selected Omer Fast - CNN Concatenated and Gary Hill – Incidence of Catastrophe from videos shown in class this semester. The experience of watching the Fast & Hill videos was very interesting because of the way memory was mediated. These two videos used personal memory and remembrance, but both very distant in how memory is conceived in their work. Below I will provide my perspective on how each video artist applied their memory problem. In CNN Concatenated, Fast creates a monologue in a collage of several journalists accustomed to narrating something they wouldn't normally read on a teleprompter. The video is precisely edited by mixing each reporter word for word to convey a message. An empowering and captivating message when the opening statement begins with “Listen to me. I want to tell you something. Come closer." I noticed that all the pictures and CNN subtitles suggest this was after the September 11 attacks. It showed pictures of the World Trade Center, a map of Afghanistan, subtitles where The Hunt for Bin Laden, Homeland Security...