Topic > Analysis of the film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion...

Director Andrew Adamson's intriguing film “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, is based on the novel by CS Lewis. The film tells the story of four children who are evacuated to the countryside during the London bombings of World War II and find a magical wardrobe that leads to another world that has been cursed with eternal winter by the evil White Witch Jadis. Forgiveness is a theme suggested throughout the film. There are many examples in the film that show that brothers must forgive each other and forgive their friends. The film begins with the children's mother sending her four children to live in the countryside with a professor. Lucy who is the youngest finds a room with a wardrobe and goes in, when she sends she finds Narnia at the end behind the jackets. She meets a faun named Mr. Tumnus and we can see forgiveness in one of the first scenes when Mr. Tumnus says to Lucy, "Go home as soon as you can, can you forgive me for what I intended to do?" Lucy responds by saying, "Of course I can, shaking his hand, and I hope you won't get in trouble because of me." Lucy is back...