Topic > Career Stagnation Case Study - 805

These will help you stay focused and work according to a plan to achieve them. The best way to proceed is to keep the big end goal in mind while also setting small goals. Achieving these smaller goals will keep you motivated enough to pursue the ultimate goal. • Formulate an action plan: Formulate an action plan on how to achieve the set goals. The action plan will also help you identify the essential elements that you would need that will give you a clear vision in terms of deliverables. • Improve your skills: Take advantage of every opportunity to improve your skills. Be it on-the-job training modules, upskilling programs, etc.; Make use of every single opportunity with the help of which you can gain knowledge and brush up your skills. This will provide you with better skills and tools to achieve what you set out to do.• Continue with your personal skills: In addition to the new set of skills you intend to learn and absorb, you may be good at a few things Already. For example, you may be good at people management, presentations, negotiations etc., don't ignore these skills. Keep using them because they will act as a morale booster in your difficult fight against the professionals