According to the Society for American Archaeology, the definition of Archeology is “obtaining a chronology of the past, a sequence of events and dates that, in some sense, is an extension backwards of history." The study of ancient civilizations and archeology is somewhat ambiguous due to the primitive nature of the time period. With little imagery and even less textual evidence, industry professionals must work diligently when studying their subjects. Of course, archaeologists cannot see or communicate with those they are studying, so they must be extraordinarily meticulous when analyzing past cultures. This refers to all aspects of the ancient world including; foods, raw materials, manufactured goods, agriculture, works of art and ceramics. All of these elements can collectively provide new and innovative information to curious archaeologists who may wish to gain a better understanding of those who came before us. This information is equally useful to both historians and archaeologists who wish to compare the histories of societies around the world. In the world of archaeology, archaeologists strive to better explain human behavior by analyzing our past. Therefore, the study of archeology is a key element in understanding an era before our own. One of the most important examples of understanding human culture through archeology is the topic of climate and environment. As seen throughout history, there is an intricate relationship between the environment and life on earth. Through extensive research, archaeologists have the ability to take note of minor cultural changes that can be attributed to the environment during a particular time period. These changes include changes in food gathering methods, changes in the artwork... middle of paper... changes that occurred over a period of time and why these changes occurred but who was responsible for them . Archaeological findings are essential especially when written primary sources are lacking. The most common findings in this field include; rock art, ceramics and weapons used for both hunting and fighting. In later cases of archaeological excavations written evidence was well provided and artefacts recovered from the site were used to aid in the study of a particular culture. Furthermore, it is quite obvious that all of the following archeology-related elements have contributed positively to our further understanding of human culture in previous centuries. Archaeologists' discoveries not only provide us with significant insight into our past, but also provide us with the essential information needed for a complete understanding of our present and future.