Topic > What the computer world will be like in 100 years to come

I have no idea why the change is happening so quickly. We know that quantum computing – the introduction of physics into the field of computing – will be extremely important, that computers will become really, really small, the size of an atom. Nano-computers will make a huge difference, very small computers that you could swallow in a pill and which will then know your disease and start treating it; which also brings together biological computing, where we can print body parts. So I think we'll see a growing infusion of computing into all aspects of our lives. If our Council can pull this off, we will see a growing sense of responsibility from technologists to ensure these developments are positive. Say no to plagiarism. Get a tailor-made essay on "Why Violent Video Games Shouldn't Be Banned"? Get an original essay But, W We have no idea yet why the change is happening so quickly. We know that quantum computing – the introduction of physics into the field of computing – will be extremely important; that computers will become really, really small, the size of an atom. This will make a huge difference; nano-computing, very small computers that you could swallow in a pill and which would then learn about your disease and start treating it; which also brings together biological computing, where we can print body parts. So I think we'll see a growing infusion of computing into all aspects of our lives. If our Council can pull this off, we will see a growing sense of responsibility from technologists to ensure that such developments are positive. they will still have laptops and desktops as they are the best way to get real work done. The laptop will be thinner like the thin iPad. The players' desktop will look like a predator spaceship. Blue LED case lighting will be back in fashion. LED power supply lighting will become a thing. Cell phones will continue to exist. Foldable screens will become a reality, so they will have better screens. Computers will become powerful and affordable enough to allow some people to do real work. The same goes for phones. Connection for monitors, keyboards and mice will be more common. In the future I expect computers to be just an interface to the user and processing to be done on assigned servers. Example for now, when playing games on the laptop, the user's hardware (GPU) is used for processing and then the image is shown on the user's screen. While in the future I want this processing to be done on servers, which will send the image to the user to be viewed. During the next 100 years we will have bugs and perhaps mind control programs, where you will be able to think about a problem and a computer will provide an answer. Computers will become faster but input or output is still in the theoretical stage. Computers 100 years from now will be able to implement robotics. In the next 100 years, computers could even replace humans by equaling them in terms of brain capacity. Computers will become increasingly faster, smaller and more ubiquitous. Given their small size, it will be easy to integrate them into smaller devices, thus increasing their use. The increased processing speed will make many operations easier and save time and effort. In the next 100 years, computers may be able to communicate with humans like humans. They may be able to understand the context of words, which will make them better at understanding human language. Imagine a machine speaking to you as a friend, understanding exactly the literal and contextual meaningof your words. In the next 100 years, computers may be able to analyze and reason like humans do. They may be able to understand humor. Emotionally intelligent machines could be implemented. Imagine a computer sharing something fun with you, it will be great. Now humans have to use a keyboard and mouse to touch screens to interface with computers, until the relatively recent speech recognition. While in 100 years to come, computers may be able to understand what humans are thinking and react accordingly. In 100 years to come there will be wireless charging, imagine not having to worry about chargers and buy them. In the years to come, the devices would become more like wearable computers, like the much-hyped Google Glasses. The computer chip will be imprinted on our body in the form of a tattoo. It will be able to interface with our neurons and project images and sensations directly into our brain. The main difference is that most people will no longer own a laptop. Just as desktop computers have disappeared from people's homes, laptops will also be replaced by tablets. In 100 years, computers will be faster than today's computers and smaller than a deck of cards. They could become as big as coins and offer smart features like expert intelligence. RAM is already available in some motherboards up to 64GB. I don't think we'll see much beyond 4x that for a long time. CPU power won't change much per core, but we may see more cores. The computer may be able to do what you ask of it. Even better is when a computer predicts what you want before putting it in the barrel. This is where emotion tracking technology could help change things. In 100 years to come, who will have the time to actually use a keyboard? In fact, no body. Fortunately, all computers will have touchscreens. In the next 100 years, very small computers could be swallowed into a pill that will learn about your disease and start treating it, which also brings together biological computing, where we can print body parts. So I think we're going to see this growing infusion of computing into our lives. We could all be hooked up to computers to make our brains work fast. Doctors will be able to grow “spare parts” for our organs as they wear out. This will create a “human body shop”. We will never need organ donors and we will never die from organ failure. The typical doctor visit will also change. For a routine check-up we will talk to a robotic software program that will have a complete record of human genes. Today's computers work using semiconductors and electricity. In the next 100 years, computers could use light. All desktop computers may look alike, but in the next 100 years they won't necessarily be the same because an "intrepid group of designers and engineers" are solving the "sameness syndrome" running through the computer industry, says Computerworld. next generation of computers. Quantum computing uses quantum mechanics to make computers millions of times faster than any supercomputer in the world. We will finally be able to solve the most difficult computer equations in the world. Not only is the private sector interested in quantum computing for air traffic control, flight schedule management, problem solving, but I'm really tired of changing devices every 5 minutes to perform different tasks. Wouldn't it be really great to go somewhere, put your phone in a station, in a charging base? Computers today.