Jewish religionsThe Jewish Passover (Pesah), which celebrates the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, begins on the 15th of the month of Nisan and continues for seven days, until the 21st of Nisan, although many communities of diaspora will celebrate it for eight days (Strassfeld, Michael, 1985). The name Easter comes from the story of the Exodus: during the tenth and final plague inflicted on Pharaoh to break his will, God passed over the Israelites and affected only the firstborn Egyptians. That night Pharaoh finally agreed to let the Israelites go; and ever since, we gather together that night to commemorate that moment and to contemplate the meaning of being delivered by the "mighty hand and outstretched arm" of the Saint. (Strassfeld, Michael, 1985). The central meaning of Easter is liberation, and for this reason it is also called "zeman heiruteinu" - the season of our liberation. Another name for Passover is "hag ha-aviv" - the festival of spring. The Jewish calendar is set up in such a way that some holidays always occur in a particular season of the year (unlike, for example, the Muslim calendar) (Drucker, Malka, 1981). Therefore, the celebration of liberation is also the celebration of spring, not simply by coincidence but by design. After the desolation of winter, when everything is covered in blankets of snow, spring marks the rebirth of the earth with the explosion of green life. Similarly, a people chained in oppressive slavery, condemned to a slow process of degradation or even extinction, leaves Egypt to undertake a new journey of life that leads them to a land flowing with milk and honey (Bowker, John , 1997). both spring and Pesah are “rebirth” and “hope.” Thus, the spirit of renewed optimism aroused by the sights and smells of spring is reinforced in a Jewish context by Passover with its flaunting of the possibilities of liberation. Passover reminds us every year that no matter how dire our situation, we must not lose hope (Strassfeld, Michael, 1985). world (Bowker, John, 1997). Another name for Pesah is “hag ha-matzot” – the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Matzah evokes images of that night when the Israelites ate the sacrificial lamb with fearful and impatient anticipation of the future. Around them rose the wails of the Egyptians mourning the death of their firstborn (Drucker, Malka, 1994).