must be mentioned. He was a man who fought intelligently for the rights of African Americans, he fought for the rights of his people. Even if it meant putting his life in danger. During his speeches, Mr. King, always talked about how he wanted a better future for his children or any black child. The future of a black child was something uncertain in his time and still is today. An example of this would be the death of Trayvon Martin. An eighteen-year-old boy killed in 2012 by a neighborhood security guard because he "looked suspicious" and "aggressive". A boy who was just starting his life had his life taken away by someone who thought he looked suspicious because he was wearing a hoodie. Another example would be the murder of Michael Brown. A seventy-year-old boy who was shot several times in the back by a police officer because he "had a menacing appearance" and "seemed possessed by the devil." Notice how both Martin and Brown's killers described them as what they perceived them to be, not what they actually were. Two innocent victims who did nothing to deserve death and yet were portrayed wrongly by the media and their killers, because of the color of their skin and not the content of their content.