Name: Edy Mangin Seminar Note 1: Introduction to Christian Doctrines THE DOCTRINE OF SCRIPTURE The Christian faith is founded on the understanding that there is a God, and God has revealed himself to man in the Scriptures . We must seek meaningful authority to demonstrate and recognize divine authority. But human beings with their darkened minds and limited powers cannot infiltrate the knowledge of God. We must humble ourselves and let the Scriptures express themselves because Almighty God has revealed Himself in the Scriptures. The prophets themselves declared that they were not the sender of the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit is the divine source of the truth they accept. The prophets' recognition of the action of the Holy Spirit is written throughout the Bible. Human agents are informed as the operation of the Holy Spirit is affirmed. God knows when is the time when man needs to receive instructions and to be able to receive and understand the message. That's when the Holy Spirit reveals the message. Revelation, inspiration and enlightenment Before talking in depth about how God communicates to human beings, we must distinguish some terms that, in relation to the works of the prophets, Revelation mainly refers to the revelation of truth by God. through words, deeds or any other means, but especially in the person of Jesus Christ. It refers to the content of the truth, the object that is communicated to the prophet. “It is the content of the message communicated by God to his prophet in the process of inspiration”. (Roger Coon, Inspiration/Revelation: What It Is and How It Works, Part I, 18) Inspiration is God's way of communicating His truth to human beings. It is “a process by which God enables a man or woman… middle of paper… To understand the Bible we must read it as the Psalmist says: “Oh how I love your law! It's my meditation all day. (Psalm 119:97). However, there are some suggestions for approaching the study of the Bible effectively. The Bible was written long ago before us. This is why we must address some foundations, contexts, and theologies that differ from our time. Certain hermeneutical principles can help us work within the best framework for interpreting the Bible, such as literary context, historical context, and how to compare Scripture. As we seek the word of God with passion and seriousness, the Holy Spirit will enlighten us, so that we can grasp his will in our lives "until we all come to the unity of faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to the mature man, to the measure of the stature that belongs to the fullness of Christ." (Eph. 4:13).