Have you ever wondered the role that the Internet and technology have played in the social, educational and professional world? Things are moving faster, we know the Internet has been lost, and we know that one day technology is more than a blip. Technology along with the Internet has changed the way social media works and social relationships are created, having a large network of social web pages such as tweeters, Facebook, Outlook, Google Plus and others. As time goes by it seems that not only the social sector is being influenced by information technology, but also the educational sector, with new ways of instructing, guiding and making lessons more fun and interactive than in the past. The professional world is also growing rapidly, all thanks to the Internet connections and everyday inventions that brought smartphones to us. It makes it easier to connect with your loved ones, teachers, mentors, bosses or colleagues, when you are in your room or on vacation in some posh place away from home. Know that we have conquered the power of click or tap. Being social in the modern world no longer means walking up to someone and having a conversation with them. With the daily change in technology, socializing has changed from talking to chatting and from chatting to texting. No matter what you do, in modern times this is how being social works. It wasn't long ago that children had to go outside to have fun with their friends, socialize, play hide and seek or any other outdoor activity. Today is a completely different story, having so many social sites has changed the way children, teenagers, young adults and even parents socialize with each other. You don't need to go out or use any sound to be able to communicate. Page... middle of paper... Internet and technologies in the professional world things have become easier to manage and track. No need to travel long distances to hold meetings, no need to fax information, no need to even use a computer. Smartphones are the real deal in this type of industry and are the key to being connected to much of the world. In conclusion, it is more than obvious that the Internet and technology have given a drastic and dramatic change in the way things are. ran in modern days. The social, educational and professional spheres are the ones most affected by this information technology revolution. Things are not the same as they were five years ago, or even last year. Technology is moving at an immeasurable pace and still has a lot to offer society, do not doubt that what is new for us today will be very old in a few years.