Participating in society - As a group we decided to investigate whether we could make a difference, and whether our voices could be heard, on an issue affecting the pupils of the school we attend. The problem in particular was the current state of our uniform. - We chose this topic because we were concerned that so many young people were complaining, but nothing was being done in what should be a democratic society. - Through our project, we hoped make a real difference, see if democracy still exists and see some improvements in uniform standards. - We hoped to achieve this by sending a survey and then organizing a petition. b) Describe your role… In my group the workload was shared equally, however I would say it was the majority of the organisation. I took part in planning and carrying out the investigation step by step. Student declaration: I declare that I have produced the work in question without external assistance beyond that acceptable according to the marking scheme and recorded. @ Signature Date Teacher declaration: I declare that the student's activities have been kept under regular supervision and that, to the best of my knowledge, no assistance beyond that acceptable according to the assessment scheme has been provided and that it has been identified and recorded .@Signature