Madam Bovary is a novel written by Gustave Flaubert in 1856. It takes us through the journey and life of an extremely complex character, Emma Bovary, who was the wife of a doctor. Emma has had adulterous affairs and lived beyond her means to distance herself from the ordinariness and emptiness of her life. Madam Bovary was later made into a romantic drama film in 1949. It was written by Robert Ardrey and directed by Vincente Minnelli. In the film, the figure of Emma Bovary as a character from the novel provokes applause of approval and screams of indignation while Gustave Flaubert tries to prove that he did not write an indecent novel. To demonstrate that he has written a moral tale, he decides to tell the story of the beautiful Emma Bovary, an adulteress who destroyed the lives of all the people she came into contact with. In Madam Bovary, the novel and Madame Bovary, the film. they are almost the same compared to other adaptations of novels and films which are always totally different. However, the novel gives a better version of what is really happening than the film version. The plot is t...