Topic > Huxley's Message in Brave New World - 974

Huxley's Hidden Message Aldous Huxley has a humanistic, profound and enlightened vision of what society should be and what constitutes true happiness. In his novel Brave New World he shows his ideas in a very dark way. Huxley presents his ideas satirically. This sarcastic writing style helped Huxley show his opinions in a very engaging and insightful way. The entire novel describes a dystopia in which intimate relationships, the ability to choose one's destiny and the importance of family are strictly opposed. In Huxley's mind, however, these three principles are highly regarded as necessary for a meaningful and fulfilling existence. Intimacy and relationships are one of the main themes of Brave New World. In the New World Society, people are encouraged to act promiscuously. When Lenina's friend Fanny learns of Lenina's four-month affair with Henry, she responds with contempt and surprise, "It is such horribly bad form to go on like this with a man" (Huxley 41). In the New World Society, a young woman like Lenina would have to constantly change partners. Sex, much like society's drug soma, is a very instant form of gratification. Building a long-term relationship can be emotionally taxing, something that Brave New World society opposes. Why spend time trying to build deep, intimate relationships with one person, when happiness can easily be achieved through multiple partners and consistent satisfaction? This philosophy, of course, is the opposite of what Huxley truly believes about love. Deep and profound joy can only be found in true love, achieved through patience and commitment, which seems to be absent in Brave New World society. Huxley believes that human beings need long-term relationships… middle of paper… error of promiscuity, predestination and anti-family feelings, Huxley brings out his underlying message of what he believes is true happiness. The author's unique approach to showing what he thinks is the opposite of pleasure and fulfillment comes through a dystopia where society is blissfully ignorant of the deeper and more meaningful things in life. Huxley uses some characters as symbols of opposition to this society and better reveals his true opinion, which is that humanity is nothing without depth and emotion. Intimacy and deep attachment to others, a strong sense of one's ability to have power over one's destiny, and close family ties constitute a person's true happiness and well-being. These basic but important principles of Huxley can transcend any culture or lifestyle and can even be considered universal paths to true happiness.