The birth of a baby girl has never been a cause for celebration in China, and stories of farmers drowning newborn girls in buckets of water have been commonplace for centuries. Now, however, as a direct result of the one-child policy, the number of baby girls abandoned, aborted or dumped on the steps of orphanages is unprecedented. International Adoption Adoption is a procedure by which people legally assume the role of parent to a person who is not their biological child. . Adopted children become full members of the adoptive family and have the same legal status as biological children. Although most people who adopt are married couples, many people also adopt singles. Many people try to adopt when they find they cannot give birth to biological children. Others adopt children to add new members to a family that includes biological children. Many people adopt simply to provide a home and family to children who might not otherwise have them. Likewise, children become available for adoption for a variety of reasons. Some children are orphans. Some birth parents arrange for their children to be adopted because they cannot care for them due to illness or personal problems. Other children are abandoned by their biological parents (Adoption, CD-ROM). Adoption is a common practice throughout the world and throughout history. However, the laws governing adoption vary from country to country. People seeking to adopt in a country other than the one they live in, a process known as international adoption, should familiarize themselves with that country's laws. Likewise, although each province recognizes adoption, provincial laws regarding specific aspects of adoption vary. INTERNATIONAL ADOPTION A significant number of people seek to adopt children from other countries, a process known as international adoption. People look to adopt abroad for many reasons. Many people want to adopt a newborn or very young child. Some also hope to adopt children who share the same ethnic heritage. Such prospective parents may experience a shortage of suitable children available for adoption in Canada. Advertising about the availability of children in a particular country also encourages some people to try to adopt them there. Many people adopt abroad due to anxieties about the paper half, the letter said. Our investigations confirm that such reports are vicious fabrications based on ulterior motives. The despicable lie about social care in orphanages in China can only arouse the indignation of the Chinese people, especially the large number of social workers who work hard for the welfare of children." (Adoption, CD-ROM). The next day on the broadcast questions were raised in the House of Commons about China's one-child policy and its dying rooms Predictably, however, no one raised the issue of providing massive aid to a collapsing, famine-stricken China in the case. which its population would increase to, say, 2.4 billion, if this generation were to grow up “We don't want to criticize the one-child policy,” says Dr. Blewett, “but we want to focus on the problems it is causing and can. be resolved." , a locally funded orphanage where children are happy, healthy and loved. "We were very keen to show what can be done with the right attitude," says Blewett, "No child should have to suffer the kind of abandonment that we filmed".).