Topic > Old Testament Kingship - 995

Ancient Jewish culture is different from what we see in the world today. The Jews, even their human king, prayed to their heavenly king YHWH. Today we do not pray to our President because no one should pray to another human being. But Christians do not refer to God as their “President” because it is a completely different level of what we have than what the Jews have. YHWH is their protector. It allows their nation to prosper as it has over time. He is their one, true God. In America we have several gods, in addition to our God as Christians. We worship athletes, actors, material objects, and other distractions that force God to remove His protective hand from us. Jews do not allow themselves to be distracted by worldly matters that could prevent them from living an eternity in Heaven with Yahweh in “hekal” which is Hebrew for “big house.” (Power) In this same article, Cian Power goes on to explain the genuine love that the Jews, especially the human king, have for YHWH in more depth. The following excerpt is from his writing entitled Kingship in Hebrew