In the story "The Adventures of the Speckled Band", Sherlock Holmes comes to the conclusion that "doctors are the greatest criminals". Doctors have studied the human body for years and know how it works. Doctors know what can harm the human body and what the human body can tolerate. They also know what it would take to end someone's existence. Knowledge, an evil mind, and the ability to destroy evidence are all it takes to be a skilled criminal. Doctors have several obvious advantages in being exceptional criminals. The doctor in "The Adventure of the Spotted Gang", Dr. Roylott, was a high-class criminal. When Roylott was informed that the two Stoner sisters, Helen and Julia, were receiving a large sum of money as an inheritance, he realized that if the sisters could not receive it, he would. Roylott had a plan and was determined to get what he wanted. Roylott kept an extremely poisonous snake and all he had to do was make the snake bite the person he wanted to kill. He was smart enough to put a bell rope, without a bell, hanging outside an oven...