Topic > Essay on Gender Discrimination in the Workplace - 1057

Women's rights have been a controversial and debated topic for many centuries. Despite many strides in enforcing a law to protect women in the workforce, little change has occurred. Gender discrimination in the workforce continued to be debated. Are women paid less than men? Are employers more likely to choose men over women in a promotion? Gender discrimination is described as differences in “working conditions, wages, hiring criteria, promotion or bonuses for women and men”. Sexual harassment and pregnancy discrimination are also an important topic when it comes to gender discrimination. Women should have a say in deciding what happens in the workplace. It is clear that changes are happening and contributing to changing the status of women in the world of work. Many believe that the only discrimination in the world is racism, but in reality they are wrong. Some forget that gender discrimination is important in the world today. The definition of gender discrimination is “based on a person's gender or sex, most often affecting girls and women.” Everywhere in the world, women are downgraded for being nothing more than housewives. Even if today women don't want to do "women's jobs". Women want to emancipate themselves and make a name for themselves. The barrier that prevents these women from having this opportunity is gender discrimination. “As modern society has made clear, women have the ability to perform with equal skill and success in virtually every endeavor undertaken by men, including work, athletics, academia, and politics.” Gender discrimination should not even exist between men and women. Both men and women are born with the ability to do the same things. Women have to work as hard as men to achieve things. Women continue to miss out on management opportunities because the company doesn't feel capable of doing a worthy job. "For example, a fire chief may repeatedly pass over a female firefighter for promotion, either due to resentment arising from women applying to law enforcement or due to a belief that men inherently perform better in these positions.” Stereotypical people look at women and judge whether they are capable of performing a task. It is unfair to women who are actually capable and to those who want to have the opportunity to do something in their comfort zone unbearable for a woman to beat them in an equal competition? Have you ever played a game of monopoly and if the guy loses he says he let the girl win? Do men think that women can't compete with them, but yet they just can't to accept the fact that women can actually do this. Even the most ardent feminist must admit that women are different from men, but this should not be seen as inferior to men in the workplace (Lovedays)”. True, men are stronger and can do more things, but women can provide more than companies realize. Franchises are losing hope that having a woman as an employee will actually help them in the future. “The studies are really accumulating, and decision makers within organizations are starting to see evidence that gender-balanced leadership