Topic > The SOE conceptual framework: thinking critically,…

The SOE conceptual framework: thinking critically, transforming practice and promoting justice. Three rudimentary beliefs that seem to be second nature to any good teacher, that need to be exposed because often the things that are most overlooked and moved around are the things most necessary to functionality. Since the three legs of the Conceptual Framework were introduced in my first year, I thought that these ideas were very basic and easily integrated into teaching without much effort. When a teacher takes the initiative to consciously incorporate these three legs naturally and fluidly into his or her classroom, only then will he or she be on the path to becoming an expert teacher. What is mental knowledge when you can't apply it? What good are academics when rational decisions cannot be made? Why should you go to school if you don't want knowledge? As a teacher, I want to instill in my children these desires and the abilities to not only succeed academically but also as a whole person. I believe that the role of an elementary teacher is not only to teach the “Three Rs” and the “Four Ws,” but also to foster in children the desire to learn and the ability to make wise choices. In our classrooms we are raising the leaders of tomorrow, if all they know is what 2+2 is or how to spell "beautiful", will they really be the future we need and wait for? Through the hard work of teachers who promote their students' success and ability to do good work and make good choices, we can see the world change in dramatic ways! When we as teachers understand that not only our students need to know the what but also the how, we can help them succeed in building critical thinking... middle of the paper...... or how to measure the speed of roller coaster. They are our students and we are there to help them reach their full potential despite their ability level. A person's theory is part of his teaching path and will never become concrete; will be constantly evolving. The essence of being a teacher is to be flexible, and how could anyone ever be truly flexible when their beliefs are as rigid and solid as a steel tower: who dares the wind to bend it? The lead teacher continually reflects and makes positive changes for their students. I want to be this master. I want to be known as one of those teachers who has his students in mind and is known for his excellent work. Day after day I get closer and closer to this model of perfection and I can only hope that one day I will truly have what it takes to be considered a master..