Mexico is a country that has made a lot of progress over the years. Although it has had a lot of progress, the country still faces many problems. One problem that still affects many who live there is famine. “Sixty million people, half the Mexican population, live in poverty, and 20 million of them live in extreme poverty” (Eslbee). There are many reasons why famine exists in such large numbers in Mexico. The most obvious reason would be poverty. I believe famine due to poverty affected Mexico more than any other country. Despite high obesity rates, most of Mexico still suffers from hunger. Crop destruction, pollution, poverty and lack of education all play a huge role in this problem. Most of Mexico is farmland or farmland, so the destruction of crops leads to less agricultural production which is the main source of food in this country. Even when food is available, poverty sets in and makes it even more difficult for the poor to find a meal. “Sixty million people, half of the Mexican population, live in poverty and 20 million of them live in ex...