In the short story, “The Japanese Quince” by John Galsworthy explores the idea of when an individual is trapped by routine and familiarity; they may avoid living a more fulfilling and spontaneous life. The story describes a man, Mr. Nilson, who alters his daily routine by going for a walk outdoors to try to avoid a strange feeling. Even though the strange sensation didn't improve, it still helped him calm down. However, when he returned to his normal routine, that strange feeling returned. The effect of sacrificing stability is shown through the imagery, characterization, and tone of the story. So, John Galsworthy conveys that when a person sacrifices stability and routine, they will have a more spontaneous and fulfilling life as they are able to focus on new things. The style that John Galsworthy employs in his writing explores the idea of sacrificing stability and routine in order to have a more fulfilling and spontaneous life. John Galsworthy uses repetition, “peculiarly sweet sensation,” “strange sensation,” “increased sensation” to remind the reader of Mr. Nilson's health. Although, Mr. Nilson st...